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Showing posts from 2018

T21 Tidbits :: What is hypotonia?

Have you ever heard the term hypotonia, or low muscle tone?  This may be one of the most common characteristics in individuals with Down syndrome.  And it took me a while to truly understand exactly what it is and how it affects Beau.  Simply put, low muscle tone is a lot like muscles that are very relaxed .  And if you have ever had the honor to hold a little one with an extra chromosome you are nodding your head because you know the experience was a little different than holding a neurotypical baby or toddler.  They just melt into you like a little rag doll and it will steal your heart right out of your chest.  They are more squishy and they are the best at snuggling.  It also helps them to be super flexible. Hypotonia does not only affect the Down syndrome community, but it is a common thread (or superpower) that people in the community share.   Scientifically speaking, m uscle tone is regulated by signals that travel from the brain to the...

T21 Tidbits :: No offense taken

In today's culture it seems that every time you turn around someone is offended in some way, and I find that offensive... 🙄.  Seriously though we are bombarded with new ways to offend others multiple times a day by the news, our newsfeed, billboards on the highway, and in print.  It becomes exhausting, amiright? Please don't misunderstand my message here; there are times when it is not only appropriate but extremely important to bring attention to a person or group of people who are attacking others because of differences, but that is not the point of this post.   I want to talk to you about how you can show genuine kindness for others in the Down syndrome community not because you are trying to be politically correct or inoffensive, but just because you are a human who wants to speak from a place that shows you care enough to consider your words .  Sometimes our words are the only tools we have to support others and they can be extremely powerful.  I wo...

T21 Tidbits :: Signs and Wonders

Happy October...or around my house it is Down syndrome Awareness Month.  This month I hope to bring you some things that I have learned along my parenting journey with Beau.  Educators, therapists, and healthcare providers tend to measure a child's developmental progress in 5 categories, or domains:  1.  Language & Communication (communicate needs and wants) 2.  Cognitive (thinking, learning, perceiving) 3.  Physical  (gross motor skills and fine motor skills..handwriting, jumping, walking, running, dressing, feeding) 4.  Emotional (appropriate feelings...empathy, impulse control, self regulation, joy, resilience) 5.  Social (age appropriate interactions with peers..greetings, turn taking, relevant conversation) Today let's talk Language Development and Communication, specifically the use of sign language in individuals with Down syndrome (especially babies, toddlers, and young children).  Beau is working on several ...

Homeschool Review: August

We had a "soft" start to school several weeks ago...mid August...I don't even remember the exact date.  This post is a review of what we have been learning so far.  Keep in mind that I am not using a purchased curriculum.  Thanks to Pinterest, the world wide web, and our local library I have found some great resources that fit the needs for both kids.  I use a lot of resources from THIS BLOG  post as a guide to help me get started.   If/When we exhaust these free resources I will probably purchase a few things to keep things fun and challenging.  LANGUAGE ARTS :  We are using McGraw Hill Grade 2 practice book as well as spelling. I request the books that go along with each unit from our local library.   And we are about half way into Unit 1.  I have used this resource to focus on the following skills: Vocabulary :  ABC order, word families (-ell, -eat) Comprehension : character/setting,  story mapping, plot,...

summer reading book reviews

As you know from my previous post, I had three books on my TBR list for the summer.  Shockingly, I finished all 3 by early August.  Here are my thoughts and rankings.  Least to most favorite..... #3:  Children of Blood and Bone:   ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ *What I liked:   -the sibling bonds (two sets of siblings both brother/sister with different yet strong bonds) -a girl hero -short chapters (easy for start and stop reading that is my life right now) -multiple points of view *What I did not like:  I confirmed my non-preference of the fantasy genre. There was  so much rising and falling action. Is that typical for the fantasy genre?   This is a great book for anyone who enjoys fantasy and/or dystopian society setting ( an imaginary  society  that is as dehumanizing and as unpleasant as possible).  If anyone has a fantasy recommendation that could change my opinions about it, please share !   #2 "That Kind...

privilege :: it happens

I have debated on whether or not to share this.  I finally landed with the decision that (hopefully) the benefit will outweigh (or at least overshadow) the risk.  I trust that my words will lead you to know that I speak from a place of love and and solidarity.  I pray that when my non-white sisters and brothers read this they do not receive a message that seems to say, "See, it happens to me too."  Because it doesn't. This is only my interpretation of a set of events followed by my connection to the world around me.  This is me fitting a certain set of events into a reality that people of color face regularly and more often to a higher degree. This is my story of empathy.  My family and I live on the outskirts of Baltimore.  This particular part of the country..the a beautiful place.  Sure.. there is beautiful history and monuments and architecture and harbors.  But the beauty that I am speaking of is the people. If ever there wa...

Beau turns ONE

Baby Beau, We made it! We survived a year.  Once again, I am surprised at how fast another year has come and gone.  You have delighted our hearts every single day.  This time last year we were preparing our home and hearts for one last baby.  We were anxiously waiting for you to make a boy into a brother and a girl into a sister.  And what a sweet, sweet blessing it has been to watch them care for you with joy. Before you arrived there were so many things we didn't know yet.  We didn't know the color of your eyes, the texture of your hair, the tone of your skin, the shape of your nose or lips or chin. Would you have long fingers like your sister?  Would your belly button be an outie like your brother?  It was all a surprise we couldn't wait to discover.  You also came with your own surprises tucked deep inside. A teeny tiny surprise.... a beautiful extra chromosome.  The doctors suspected it right away because of your almond  sha...

summer reading

What are you reading this summer?  I would love to know.  I wanted put out a quick post to share my summer reading list.  I only have 3 books on the list, and I will be lucky to get those three finished.  I should also add that I have all 3 books on hold at the library and I am like number 47 on the wait list for each one, so I feel like I have picked good ones! 1.  Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover This memoir details the life of a child raised by religious, overprotective, isolated parents.  Her first exposure to public education was at age 17.  Up until then she was"homeschooled" (but not really).  She describes the grit and determination she possessed to amizingly earn her PhD from Cambridge University.  I have a feeling this book will leave me saying...."I can't even imagine" Click here for the direct link in Amazon. 2.  That Kind of Mother by Rumaan Alam This novel begins with a first-time, overwhelmed mama R...

earbuds in :: noise out

A year or so ago I discovered the world of podcasts.  I guess as I grow older I crave more words and less noise.  Maybe it's just the fact that I am not working outside of my home so podcasts are a way for me to hear adult conversation throughout my day.  I would like to share some of my favorites with you, and I would love for you to share some of your favorites with me. 1.  "The Happy Hour" with Jamie Ivey. This is where it all began for me.  Somehow (probably social media) I saw a recommendation for this podcast.  I didn't even know how to listen to a podcast, but I quickly learned.  I was hooked after one episode. Jamie and her family live in Texas.  She is so transparent about her love for Jesus and His great love for his people.  Each week she interviews an amazing lady with an amazing story.  Her podcast has somehow led me to almost every other podcast I listen to.  Jamie also published a book recently and I cannot rec...

Perspective 47 (a poem for Beau)

Perspective 47 A definition of perspective  Might read “point of view” The way we see the world Our angle.... attitude Often grownups wish for days of yesteryear Can we turn back time? Is there a magic gear?  Grownups too often see mundane In daily Tasks that bore.  Oh, but the eyes of a child,  They see so much more! Beauty and adventure  Reasons to giggle and play  And then there is you child  Your perspective is what I crave.  You will live your days with a certain sense of wonder.  You will find joy and goodness in the biggest of blunders You will forgive easy. And You will stand so loyal.  Every person you meet, you will find a way to make each one feel royal. Did you know that is a unique skill, a set of special powers? You will show pride in all accomplishments and remind us to smell the flowers.  Our days together may not always be easy.  This world so full of...

Chicken Enchilada Casserole

So, as promised this blog is also going to cover food.  Because I love food almost as much as I love my kids.  I'm kidding!!!!...... kind of.  I am going to do my best to share with you what I'm cookin' every now and then.  We always strive to eat at home as much as possible, but we could always improve with that task!  I tried a Pinterest recipe tonight and it was delicious.  I even got brave enough to make HOMEMADE ENCHILADA SAUCE. I am so glad I did!! It was delicious.  Click HERE for the recipe!

Nope, not ever. NEVERS.

What is one thing you said you would NEVER do?   At the time you said never, to do "the thing" would never work. Maybe because you thought it was weird or useless.  Or maybe logistically it could not work in any shape, form, or fashion.  Maybe it was a role you could not imagine filling.  Maybe you said nope and nada to something because you knew it was entirely out of your comfort zone or desires.  Whatever the reasons are, we all have our "Nope, not ever.  NEVERS."  But you know what they say, right?  And then something happens or a series of some things happen and your heart begins to soften to "the thing".  Instead of shaking your head no, you are now nodding and understanding WHY people do the thing.  You have empathy and understanding, but your answer is still NEVER FOR ME.  Some time passes and the next thing you know, you are kinda, sorta, maybe considering "the thing" for yourself (and it makes you very uncomfortable...

Beau's birth continued....

so, where did I leave off?? Oh yes, Norman had finally made it to the hospital, heard the news of suspected Down syndrome, and rushed away to meet our Beau..... I really can't give you detailed play by play over the next few days because my memory of this time is very foggy. But I can tell you what I do remember. Crying. Lots of crying. Crying because there was this tiny baby in the NICU that has an unfair disadvantage to life (or so I thought). Crying because the life we planned as a family of five had just taken an unplanned direction. Crying because of my crippling fear that my other 2 children would miss out on life to the fullest because everything our future held would revolve around Down syndrome. I was sad. I was mad. I was scared. I was lost. I cried if anyone looked at me too long. I was grieving and didn't even realize it. Grieving the life that was "supposed to be".  Anyone who has experienced grief knows that it is absolutely necessary to begin healing....