What are you reading this summer? I would love to know. I wanted put out a quick post to share my summer reading list. I only have 3 books on the list, and I will be lucky to get those three finished.
I should also add that I have all 3 books on hold at the library and I am like number 47 on the wait list for each one, so I feel like I have picked good ones!
1. Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
This memoir details the life of a child raised by religious, overprotective, isolated parents. Her first exposure to public education was at age 17. Up until then she was"homeschooled" (but not really). She describes the grit and determination she possessed to amizingly earn her PhD from Cambridge University. I have a feeling this book will leave me saying...."I can't even imagine"
Click here for the direct link in Amazon.
2. That Kind of Mother by Rumaan Alam
This novel begins with a first-time, overwhelmed mama Rebecca. Rebecca has a beloved nanny, Priscilla, who happens to be of a different race. Priscilla dies in childbirth and Rebecca makes the decision to adopt the baby. This novel touches on all.the.things that give me all.the.feels right now such as motherhood and white privilege. This part of Amazon's description is what got me hook, line, and sinker because I can relate so much. "....navigating motherhood for her is a matter of learning how to raise two children whom she loves with equal ferocity, but whom the world is determined to treat differently."
Click here for the direct link on Amazon
3. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
This is not a book I would normally be drawn to and I know you can't judge a book by its cover. BUT LOOK AT THAT COVER PEOPLE! The genre is YA. Also, the book description on amazon contains words like "magic" and "danger". oooo-OOOOO-ooooo. And guess what? This is book 1 of 2. I love a good book series.
Click here for the direct link on Amazon.
Please leave comments with your summer reading plans. Also if you read one of these before I do let me know what you think!
I should also add that I have all 3 books on hold at the library and I am like number 47 on the wait list for each one, so I feel like I have picked good ones!
1. Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
This memoir details the life of a child raised by religious, overprotective, isolated parents. Her first exposure to public education was at age 17. Up until then she was"homeschooled" (but not really). She describes the grit and determination she possessed to amizingly earn her PhD from Cambridge University. I have a feeling this book will leave me saying...."I can't even imagine"
Click here for the direct link in Amazon.
2. That Kind of Mother by Rumaan Alam

Click here for the direct link on Amazon
3. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Click here for the direct link on Amazon.
Please leave comments with your summer reading plans. Also if you read one of these before I do let me know what you think!
Happy Reading
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