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Homeschool Review: August

We had a "soft" start to school several weeks ago...mid August...I don't even remember the exact date.  This post is a review of what we have been learning so far.  Keep in mind that I am not using a purchased curriculum.  Thanks to Pinterest, the world wide web, and our local library I have found some great resources that fit the needs for both kids.  I use a lot of resources from THIS BLOG post as a guide to help me get started.   If/When we exhaust these free resources I will probably purchase a few things to keep things fun and challenging. 

LANGUAGE ARTS:  We are using McGraw Hill Grade 2 practice book as well as spelling. I request the books that go along with each unit from our local library.   And we are about half way into Unit 1.  I have used this resource to focus on the following skills:

Vocabulary:  ABC order, word families (-ell, -eat)
Comprehension: character/setting,  story mapping, plot,  main idea/details
Phonics: short a, short i, words with -s/-es, short o, short e, short u, inflectional endings (-ed, -ing), suffixes (-er, -est), long a
Text Features: photos/captions, lists
Study Skills: parts of a book
(Most of these skills are a review from first grade and we will begin to see new skills soon.)

I found THIS great online resource that provides spelling practice, vocabulary practice, and other fun activities.

Also our library system has a plethora of online free resources that cover all subject areas:
Bookflix (Scholastic)
We won tickets to the Orioles game!
I request books at appropriate reading levels that coincide with our science lessons each week.  I also request read alouds that support any skills we are covering in any subject area.  I never tell my kids no at the library. I try to place books in our home environment that invite my kids to pick up a book and it's working!  

One more resource for reading with your children:  READ ALOUD REVIVAL. I love her thoughtful booklists and guides.  I also enjoy the podcast. For example, the last episode I listened to was all about picture books entitled How to Take Your Kids Around the World Through Picture Books and you best believe all of these are going on my request list at the library.  


We use Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool for most of our math. This has online activities as well as as printables that go along with each grade level.  
Both of the kids are working on Khan Academy at their own paces.  
We also play LOTS OF GAMES and I try to call attention to the math we encounter in everyday life.  

So far we have dove DEEP into earthworms, ants, and spiders.  
Each lesson in this curriculum provides extra activities and resources to use along with the text.  
I love to use books by Gail Gibbons as well.  She has LOADS of excellent non-fiction books for children.  Here is a list!

Once we finish our spider study we will take a break from nature study and use Mystery Science
field trip to
Montpelier Mansion
for a while. We will more than likely hop back and forth between the two for the remainder of the school year.  If the free version is amazing then I will more than likely purchase the full access version ($69/year).  

We are covering one lesson each day from Geographical Readers for Elementary Students by Charlotte Mason.  This reader is focused on Geography and map skills.   For those of you who are new to home school or not familiar with the world of home school, Charlotte Mason is THE home school hero.  Her lessons and approach to education have withstood the test of time. Many parents choose to emulate her approach in their home school education.  

Once we finish these lessons we will probably jump back over to Easy Peasy Home School and study Ancient China (we studied Ancient Egypt last year and learned a lot). I am also in the process of  scheduling tours of the White House and Capitol so naturally a few weeks ahead of that we will study government, the US, presidents, etc.  

I will touch on these briefly since most do not begin until later in September and most of our requirements in these areas will be met through field trips and/or extracurricular activities.  
ART: Send me your resources!!  I need ideas in this area.  I have a friend who has graciously volunteered to teach art lessons to a small group of students.  I need to get busy organizing this!  I also always try to tie in a fun craft or art activity each week with our science lessons. 
MUSIC: Both kids will participate in choir. There are also regularly scheduled ukulele classes at our library that they want to attend.    
TECHNOLOGY:  Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool curriculum (mentioned above) has a great technology curriculum we will begin using mid-September hopefully by October.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE:  Remember those free resources through our local library I mentioned earlier under language arts?  They are saving us (again) with foreign language.  We will use Little Pim or Muzzy to explore a new language.  I am trying to decide between Spanish or French. We are also learning quite a bit of sign language as well thanks to our little home school principal, Mr. Beau Bradley!
RECESS/PE:  Luke is playing basketball this Fall.  Della Rose is still trying to decide on a sport.  We meet other home school students weekly for outdoor recess.  We have been invited to join a home school bowling league.  We also do LOTS of outdoor activities as a family in general and enjoy swimming and rock climbing at the Y.  We will be attending a weekly bible study for moms and kids..yay for ME...ADULTS!!! 
HEALTH:  I need ideas here too!  Send me your ideas and resources.  Last year we focused on basic health (fire safety, dental health, germs, healthy diet, exercise) and I would like to maybe find some good resources for online safety and responsibility (digital citizenship).  

So, there you have it folks.  It is not perfect, but it is our plan. It will never be perfect even if I spent tons of money on a fancy curriculum.  I am a human and I mess up.  I am just a mom out here doing the best she can.  And I like to believe that my best effort will yield positive results in my children.  Most importantly it is my responsibility to model grace, patience, and forgiveness. Where is THAT curriculum? Oh yes, it's in the pages of that little book called the B-I-B-L-E.  I am letting my children guide me based on their needs and interests.  If you made it this far, God bless you...go get a drink.  Cheers!

"school view" one day
Kirigami spider webs

field trip to the science center

field trip to watch
advanced training students
complete the program at daddy's work
Daily journal entry
spelling words and earthworm diagram
Learning about seasons
main idea/details and science
types of spider webs
stuffed animal sleepover
@the library


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