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WHY:  Here we go again. Mahala is tapping into blogging once more.  Is this even still a thing? Jesus, be near. My first instinct was NO WAY...there is no time for this mess.  But then I realized if I spent as much time blogging as I do writing a blog in my head then why not?  Ever since Beau was born, we moved states (again), and I transitioned to staying home (again) I just cannot stop thinking about all these things I want to share with all these people that I love...and maybe even some people I don't know (yet).  Ya know?  So, that's the "why".  Next is the "HOW".

HOW:  I wanted my first post to be sort of like a mission statement if you will.  I want you to know the things I plan to write about, share, discuss, and ask.  This way you can decide if my blog is something you want to spend your time reading.  Everyone has interests and everyone has limited time. Trust me... I understand about choosing to spend your time wisely...I understand because most of the time I am not very good at it! So this is your heads up; you can dive in deep or just drop in from time to time. At any rate, you are always welcome here.

WHEN:  I cannot put a time constraint on myself.  I will fail every time.  I wish I could give you a specific schedule.  Like weekly, or every Tuesday/Thursday.  But I just cannot right now! I'm sorry.

WHO:  Who might like to tag along (sidenote: I don't like to say one should be following me anywhere. I will surely lead us off the edge of a cliff)? Anyone is invited!

*Women: I hope I can appeal to women at every stage in ladies, career women, new moms, all the single ladies (insert Beyonce voice there), retired women, the artsy, the rich, the poor, the able, the meek, the mighty.  You are all welcome here, please pull up a chair to the table.   
*Moms...working moms, Stay At Home Moms, Work At Home Moms (that's me!), retired moms, and the most special kind of mom: grand moms!
*"The Not Yets":  you know who you are...  Q: Are you married?  A:  Not yet.  Or how about  Q:  Do you have kids A: Not yet. <-----that was me for many years!  Maybe you are in a waiting period in life whether it is to become a spouse, a parent, an employee, a graduate, a retiree, a grandparent. Pull up a chair...I am very familiar with not yet!

I feel like I am leaving someone out.....

 And last the WHAT.  WHAT ON EARTH could I have to say that will be blog worthy? Well, I'm not sure myself, but here are a few ideas I have... (no particular order)

  • Life with twins.  I am a twin mom.  My twins are 6 years old and they were the answer to many years of prayer and waiting. Infertility anyone?  They are incredible little people.  
  • Food!  Who doesn't love food?!?  I did not realize that one of my hobbies is grocery shopping.  Um, excuse me, middle-aged-self...what about tennis or yoga or something a little more hip. But grocery shopping.  Anyone else?  (probably crickets out there).  I also love new recipes, new restaurants, anything where there is food involved. I am a foodie!  
  • Down syndrome: As most of you know my youngest babe received a birth diagnosis of Trisomy 21.  We are only 3 months in, so please hold my hand as I walk this path and share it with you in hopes of helping another mama out there.  It takes a village. 
  • Books and words and words and books...  Ahhhhh!! I love to read and my newfound passion is podcasts.   I would like to be able to share what I am reading and what I am listening to, and I would love for you to do the same.
  • Mommin' in general and mommin' ain't easy!  
  • CHRIST! Could anyone pursue me more passionately and forgivingly (not a word) than my Creator?  Can we really contain His love for us in words? He is always my safe place, my steady rock when things go haywire, when life is scary, and He loves me when it's time to celebrate too.  
  • Marriage- I have a hard-working hubby! Norman is my rock here on earth and we have a beautiful life together.  But it ain't always pretty..ya know? It is hard. It is a choice.
  • Exploring -- well, anything! Exploring new places, new faces, new spaces!
This is not everything as I am sure things will happen along the way that must be included.  

And last but not least 3 confessions!
#1 I use this "" (see what I did there) ALOT when writing.  An ellipsis.  Sorry not sorry....
#2 I don't like the name of my blog.  Please help!
#3 My blog is not "pretty" yet.  Once again...HELP!  I am semi-new to this so bear with me. I promise I will make it pretty someday!

I have semi-covered the bases maybe.  I look forward to hearing from you. Please reach out with questions, comments, concerns. And PS...I do not plan to do any form of political discussions, so if that was what you were hoping for step. away. now.  We get enough of that everywhere else.  

Peace & Love,


  1. Good luck! I habe thought about it on and off too. You'll rock this!

    1. Thank you! You totally's therapeutic if nothing else. 😀

  2. P.S. I like the title and I too would say grocery shopping is one of my hobbies. :)

    1. Nothing makes me happier than going to a gs I've never been to before!

  3. Awesome! I look forward to reading it. It's great to share you never know just who needs to hear what you have to say. God will put the right people in your path that you can help along the way.


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