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Perspective 47 (a poem for Beau)

Perspective 47

A definition of perspective 
Might read “point of view”
The way we see the world
Our angle.... attitude

Often grownups wish for days of yesteryear
Can we turn back time?
Is there a magic gear? 

Grownups too often see mundane
In daily Tasks that bore. 
Oh, but the eyes of a child, 
They see so much more!

Beauty and adventure 
Reasons to giggle and play 
And then there is you child 
Your perspective is what I crave. 

You will live your days with a certain sense of wonder. 
You will find joy and goodness in the biggest of blunders
You will forgive easy. And You will stand so loyal. 
Every person you meet, you will find a way to make each one feel royal.

Did you know that is a unique skill, a set of special powers?
You will show pride in all accomplishments and remind us to smell the flowers. 

Our days together may not always be easy. 
This world so full of rage. 
But you’re my lucky number 47
You will turn my page. 

They can put your extra chromosome in a box
of disability. 
But you, your heart and beautiful soul
Oh, there is so much more to see! 

God blessed me with perspective when he gave me to you. 
I am so unworthy  of this secret point of view. 
This gift I unwrap each day is a mirror to heaven. 
This gift he gave in you...  it’s perspective 47. 


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