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podcast and book

Hello Everyone,
I wanted to share a super cool thing that happened recently as well as a book & podcast recommendation.

I listen to a podcast (my personal favorite podcast right now) called "The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey".   About a year ago she shared that she would be writing a book. Of course I was excited to hear this news!  Now fast forward to September.  As I was listening to her podcast one day she talked about a "launch team" for her book set to release in January.  Wait a minute! You're telling me that I can get my hands on this book sooner than the release date PLUS be a part of a team that reads together and shares our takeaways??**NERD ALERT** Where have launch teams been all my life? I immediately followed the instructions to apply....lo and behold, I'm part of her team! I just finished the book last week and I plan to do a full review soon  But oh gosh, you guys  It's good... like really, really good.  The title is "If You Only Knew" and it is a story that so many of us can relate to in so many ways...especially us women.  I would like to leave you with one of many quotes from Jamie's book that resonated with me:

Be a person your friends know is safe. Be a person who values people and their lives and their journeys. Be a person who, when presented with sin, takes people to the Redeemer who died for that sin and who’s even now in the business of redeeming us all from our sin. Be a friend who points people to Jesus for confession and forgiveness.   --Jamie Ivey

Happy Thursday!


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