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Showing posts from September, 2018

Homeschool Review: August

We had a "soft" start to school several weeks ago...mid August...I don't even remember the exact date.  This post is a review of what we have been learning so far.  Keep in mind that I am not using a purchased curriculum.  Thanks to Pinterest, the world wide web, and our local library I have found some great resources that fit the needs for both kids.  I use a lot of resources from THIS BLOG  post as a guide to help me get started.   If/When we exhaust these free resources I will probably purchase a few things to keep things fun and challenging.  LANGUAGE ARTS :  We are using McGraw Hill Grade 2 practice book as well as spelling. I request the books that go along with each unit from our local library.   And we are about half way into Unit 1.  I have used this resource to focus on the following skills: Vocabulary :  ABC order, word families (-ell, -eat) Comprehension : character/setting,  story mapping, plot,...