We had a "soft" start to school several weeks ago...mid August...I don't even remember the exact date. This post is a review of what we have been learning so far. Keep in mind that I am not using a purchased curriculum. Thanks to Pinterest, the world wide web, and our local library I have found some great resources that fit the needs for both kids. I use a lot of resources from THIS BLOG post as a guide to help me get started. If/When we exhaust these free resources I will probably purchase a few things to keep things fun and challenging. LANGUAGE ARTS : We are using McGraw Hill Grade 2 practice book as well as spelling. I request the books that go along with each unit from our local library. And we are about half way into Unit 1. I have used this resource to focus on the following skills: Vocabulary : ABC order, word families (-ell, -eat) Comprehension : character/setting, story mapping, plot,...
We are the Turners. We have 3 kids....twins + 1. Our +1 has 3 copies of his 21st chromosome. We are pros at dessert and naps. We could use some work on our laundry skills and time management. We need Jesus. We've moved alot. We are learning about twin parenting, Down syndrome, home school, grocery stores, and good food. This is a glimpse into our journey.